ブルーアーカイブ11話 No adults have taken on the responsibility for their suffering

なにか手がかりがつかめれば良いのだが It would be great if there were any clues

Not even worth our attention

The adults are people who transform their society according to their own ideas
and decide the law, the common sense and the extraordinary

そんなことより Compared to that
交渉は決裂です This ends the negotiation

Although I think highly of you, there's nothing I can do

私達だけでは勝てない We alone cannot defeat them as we are now

Those with resources exploits those without 持てるものは持たざるものから

Wouldn't it be nice to pretend like not happened ?

So you're going to fight us no matter what ?

Transfer contact 移籍契約

Withdrawal application left by Hoshino 退学届

Foreclosure task force 対策委員会

Trampling on their hearts and exploiting their troubles 心を踏みにじりつけこむ

If one were to judge our actions as good or evil,l they would definitely be evil.

Natural phenomenon that have some chance of happening

It's a matter of course 自然な成り行きです

Is it matter of course that water is ridiculously expensive?

I'm supposed to be the one visiting you

She's going to deal with schools with some disciplinary issues.

風紀委員長は今忙しい Prefect team president is very busy right now

If you could get down your needs and lick my feet
Where is your dignity as an adult? Don't you hesitate?
なんだか楽しそうね You guys seem to be having a good time
お元気そうで何より We are Relieved to see you in such good spirits
Well I don't know what to be happened without that money

お会計よろしく Settle the bill please